
Funniest Street Signs

One of the biggest games to play in the car on a road trip is the Alphabet Street Sign Game (idk what it’s called, actually–I’m just making an “educated guess” *straightens invisible tie at professionalism*)

This game is where you start at the first letter of the alphabet (just in case you didn’t know what the first letter is, it’s ‘a’ *smirks*) and try to find a sign on the road that begins with that letter–like An Amazing Assortment of Sour Patch Kids Handed Out For Free Here! And since there were 3 ‘a’s, you’d get three points. And you’d also pull over asap and gather up as many Sour Patch Kids as you could to ship to me.

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But when doing this, sometimes you find the weirdest signs ever: like this street sign

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I wish I lived on this street *wipes away tears* I’d fit in so well.

Anyways, time to ship me those Sour Patch, attempt to play the Alphabet Street Sign Game, and enjoy the blog!


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This is a prime example of laziness at work. Not that I blame whoever created this street sign (that would be hypocrisy at it’s finest, peeps).

I remember whenever in gym class we had to pick team names, everyone went ÇRÅZŸ! Kids would try and make the weirdest names they could just to make the gym teacher say them–like Team Coolest Kids In School from the guys and Team Peeta or Team Edward from the girls. I could tell the gym teacher was later regretting letting us pick our team names.

But our team name was always really stupid–which was what made it funny. Cuz there was, like, Team Powerful Tigers!!! or something and then there was us–The Team.

Original name, huh?

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So in conclusion, that’s why I like this street name (phew, that was a long description)



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This is funny. I wish they made this into those little thingies you hang on the handle of the door to your room. What are those called? (◊♥edit♥◊ {ooh, so pretty} ÐÕÕR ĤÅÑĜĒRŠ, Amalee. They hang from your door–therefore they’re just called ÐÕÕR ĤÅÑĜĒRŠ {argh, why is this so difficult to remember?})



Image via White's Electronics


This is where my inner musical-dar kicks in and I break out into Legally Blonde’s

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Sorry–had to.



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Suuuuuny days, sweepin the, clooooouds away, ooooon my way to where the air is sweet!

Yeah–imma stop now.

I used to love this song actually. I was at my grandparents’ house recently (aka like 3 ỲĒÅRŠ ago, but I’m just ‘recently’ remembering this, so it still counts *hehe*) and I discovered this journal I had stashed away in a drawer.

When I opened it, I discovered that it was mine. So first I *gasp*ed at the amazing fact that part of my childhood was being held in my hands, but then I was like *cringe* when I realized that little notebook was full of Sesame Street lyrics. Apparently I’d been trying to memorize the ẀĤÕLĒ theme song on that trip, so I just kept writing and rewriting it until I had it down.


That was me dying at my cringeyness.

Actually it wasn’t too bad, though, cuz I had amazing handwriting for a 6 year old.



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Now let’s just take a moment and see how fantasterrabulous (k, that was stupid) that lighting is. I know that the sign is what I’m supposed to focus on here (cuz it’s awesome and it mentioned one of my favorite foods), but that bright sign on a stormy background is just *pretty cries*

It’s so poetic, you know? Ooh– maybe it’s a metaphor! Maybe it’s like–the world is so dark and gloomy, and the only thing that keeps me bathed in light is a street sign about a dog who won’t eat delicious food and has awful table manners.

*stares into the distance poetically* Without my sign, I am nothing.

*stops staring into the distance cuz the sun is super bright today* It’s beauty is blinding.


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See? I evenmade a beautiful picture frame out of hyphens. Lovin that masterpiece right even more.

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There are pretty much two kinds of morning people–these types

So not an early bird/can’t even funtion = cwmystwyth (aka the street sign)

And these types

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Last one, folks!

(Did I just say ‘folks’? *smh*)

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Such creativity. *clappidyclapclap*

Actually, now that I think about it–what does a monkey’s eyebrow actually look like? Is it really that memorial?

Just looked it up–here’ a quote from Google (cuz Google knows everything, guys)

The legend says if you stand on the top of the hill [on Monkey’s Eyebrow Road] and look down on the town, the town looks like it’s in the shape of a monkey’s eyebrow.

Ah. So a town looks like this if you zoom in pretty much

Image result for monkey's eyebrow

Welp. Can’t say I’d want to move there *hehe*


And that is the end of today’s Sunday Seven!

I can’t tell you how proud I am of thinking up that alliteration masterpiece. Alliteration usually just isn’t my thing, but–ĤÅ!

I came up with this! *cue evil laughter à la Ursula*

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And I’m super excited for my Wednesday post! It’s that Song Challenge thingie! Be sure to check it out!

*is so excited for millions of people to see Wednesday’s post* *realizes that it isn’t called a ‘dear, lovely nonexistant audience’ for nothing* *dies inside*

Kidding, people.

But on that wonderlicious note

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(My smooch gif is back, y’all!)



One thought on “Funniest Street Signs

  1. Ah, yes, the dreaded team names. A problem for people everywhere.
    Those street names are hilarious! My personal favorite might be No Name Street! What an awkward thing to put on letters, Ms. So and So from No Name Street! I can see it now!

    Liked by 1 person

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