
Something Different

I decided to do something different today–you know, instead of embarrassing accounts of my life (even though that’s ŠÕ much fun *hehehe*)

For this post, I am going to write about whatever comes to mind!

And that’s not much, cuz of, well, summerness.


Actually, I’m trying to put off my Summer math packets and book readings by writing to you guys so… *sheepish grin*

So today we’ll be talking about fashion!!!

*watches as every reader unfollows, closes tab, and shuts off device* *goes to cry in corner*

K. Thanks guys.

No, lol. I’m kidding (or am I… *dun dun DÜÑ!!!*)

Now for all those who made it this far *evil grin* let’s get started!

So I was just thinking–parents and their kids always look back at old, idk, high school photos or something and make fun of the clothes, makeup, and hairstyles they were sporting. But it all seemed fine in that moment, right?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is called a trend! (Wow, I sound so much like a ringmaster in a circus right now…)

So, moral of the story–some day we’ll all look back on our clothes and laugh!


But I’m just wondering what we’ll be laughing ÅT–ya know?

Like looking at fashion now–

“Oma (who knows–they could be saying ‘oh my alien’ in honor of their alien master who has abducted them all by then), what was up with all the off the shoulder shirts back then, Mom? Don’t they know that now we all wear off the knee purple and orange jumpsuits, and it’s ŠÕ much better?”

Image result for i am so much better legally blonde gif



“Oma, Mom, why was everyone trying to grow their hair so long and add streaks of color in them?  Now we’ve grow our eyebrows as long as possible and dyed them pink!”

Oh, geez–now I’m trying to imagine that.


But it’s just strange how trends really take over at one point, but then people are disgusted by them later on. Or earlier on. If that eyebrow growing and dying becomes a thing…

But, yeah.

Super short post, but I hope you liked it and it got ya thinking about something.

*gasp* Is this what being a teacher feels like?

Oh, and just a +sidenote+ (Heehee, that looks so cool! Cuz I made it, of course *sassy hair flip*)

Next Wednesday I’ll be having a real, live not completely lame challenge!!!


It’s called the Song Challenge, and I was challeged to do this challenge *cue head spin* by a friend I’ll soon introduce! And yeah, that post’s longness will make up for this one’s shortness.

And an extra +sidenote+

Today is my one month blogaversary! *wipes away tears* I would like to thank everyone who made this dream possible–my amazing friends Rose and Alverdine for encouraging me to begin blogging (and Gmail for reminding me that today was my one month mark day). And I would be no where near this point if it weren’t for everyone’s amazing support!


Thanks though–followers and likers (and friends and fam)! Even if I may never get a Bloscar (see what I did there?–blog Oscar? Ah. Lovin these lame jokes, huh?), I did at least get 21 followers in a month!

See you on Sunday!


Image result for smooch gif

mmkay, that gif isn’t working today, but ÕH WĘŁŁ! It’s kinda funny at least (‘smootch gif’ bwahahahaha!!!) Ah. The maturity of a teenager.




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